The Vice-Chair of the Sarwar Foundation, Perveen Sarwar, has inaugurated a new water filtration plant in the Mahmunwali district of Sheikhupura.
The water filtration plant, which will provide clean water to thousands of people in the district, was provided through the Sarwar Foundation’s Clean Water initiative.

Most Pakistanis do not have access to clean drinking water and over 50% of patients admitted to hospitals and 30% of deaths nationwide are linked to water borne diseases.
To tackle this The Sarwar Foundation is installing water filtration plants in various districts of Punjab including all jails and police lines across Pakistan. To date over 200 filtration plants have been installed and more are planned over the coming months.
Delivering clean water is one of the simplest ways we can transform lives in Pakistan, ensuring people are healthier.
Please help us provide clean water to more communities by donating here
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